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Reya - Teen Council Member

Reya - Teen Council Member

Hi there! I’m Reya and I’m a rising junior who lives in Santa Clara County. I’ve been living here since I was born basically and I think it’s one of the greatest places, though I might be a bit biased. At Preemadonna, I’m a part of the Teen Council which I’m super excited about. I’ve always had a passion for marketing and I’m so grateful that Preemadonna is giving me a chance to channel that love. I’m also an avid nail art enthusiast so, naturally, the nail bot is an amazing product that I would love to showcase. 

As for my hobbies, I would consider myself someone who's passionate about many different things, which can be time-consuming but pretty fun, nonetheless. Over quarantine, I learned how to crochet, which was no easy task, and sucked me into a wormhole of endless YouTube videos. My latest project features a pink and red heart bag which I’m excited to finish. I’m also a passionate baker, though I can’t promise that all of my creations are good. Recently, I’ve been learning how to decorate cakes for my friend’s birthday but my classic favorite is making macarons. There’s an endless array of possible flavors, but salted caramel is definitely my favorite! In my free time, I’m a hardcore true crime fan and you’ll probably find me on Netflix watching all the newest documentaries. I’m so thrilled to be interning at Preemadonna over the summer!
