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Siya - Artist in Residence

Siya - Artist in Residence

Hello there! My name is Siya Randhawa and I am a Digital Artist Intern for Preemadonna. I grew up in San Jose, California and I am currently attending Silver Creek High School as a Senior. My hobbies include making art, designing flyers, and watching horror movies. I have been indulged in art for the past six to seven years with various art studios and by personal growth as well. Along with that, I enjoy spending my Fridays hanging out with my friends and watching horror movies until we fall asleep. I also love to play with my Maltese poodle and grab on to him whenever I am feeling down. His name is Snowy and he looks quite similar to the dog from Tintin as his fur is fluffy and cream white. Furthermore, I have a twin sister who has the complete opposite interests as me, which includes coding, creating disputes with me, and analyzing math equations. Even though we may argue a lot we are always there for each other. I also have a younger brother that enjoys coming into my room every day to look at the mirrors, code, and win every argument in my house. 

Preemadonna motivates me to use my creative thinking skills and it is an environment for artists to collaborate their ideas. It is really about connecting people to their individual creations provided by the Nailbot. I love Nailbot because it is authentic and a creative way to do your nails with any design you want on your nails! My role with the company is as a Digital Artist Intern where I have the opportunity to create nail art designs through Adobe Sketch and other software. I hope to spark interest in visual design for younger women and motivate them to pursue their interests in any field they choose.

-Siya Randhawa
